Stall applications are now closed

We have never closed the bookings in December before, but we have enough applications now to fill our site, with space reserved for some local retailers and for special zones such as Little Poland and the Pasifika stalls.  Those stallholders will be invited to apply, and we will send them the link. Please email us if you have any questions about this. 

We haven’t done the detailed stall site allocations yet, but we can see that we are going to have an exciting line-up of stalls next March.

If we have a lot of cancellations before the Festival we might reopen applications (although at present that doesn’t seem likely) – if so we will send a Newsletter to say so. If you’re not already on our mailing list, sign up for the Stallholders’ Newsletter to receive this and any other Festival news.

Are you still interested in having a stall in the future? Follow this link to find out more! The stall application link has been removed, but there is a lot of general information for stallholders to look at.