Martin Ewen-Lurk

Asking a mime to describe himself in words is like asking a Horse to find it’s definition in a dictionary.

Having graduated clown school back in 83 when dinosaurs roamed the earth Lurk combines skill and original stilt technique with bitter disappointment in the human condition as it applies to 11 ft pantomimes and audience expectations regarding entertainment.

His success is amply demonstrated by the fact he hasn’t starved to death yet.

He passed the notoriously gruelling 2 day Cirque du Soleil audition process in NY that starts with 58 people and finishes with 8 as a clown soloist. It is at these levels that only he has to find himself funny. He relieves his audiences of the responsibility of defining comedy.

Some people have an irrational fear of clowns. Martin Ewen’s character Lurk has the inverse where as a clown-conceit he’s allergic to audiences. Thankfully after 40 years working internationally and only recently returning to NZ to better observe the implosion of western civilisation this Newtown Festival gig may well be his best work.

"Lurk is an exquisitely quirky shadow whose musings with children and adults alike...provide magic, surprise, glee and inspiration."

Ted Killmer, International Street Theatre Project, Utah Arts Festival

"A delightful melange of mime and caricature"

NZ Press

"Sardonic distain.. oddly endearing"

Press Perth

"You have brought a little sunshine into our week and no doubt to the other people in the street who have stopped to watch you. Just to watch the unsuspecting pedestrians coming up to your corner is priceless. We thank you for amusing us."

1st Floor Typing Pool, Glasgow