Louisa Nicklin

Since the release of her self-titled album in 2021, Tāmaki Makaurau based artist Louisa Nicklin has cemented herself as a songwriter to be reckoned with. Searingly honest lyrics, coupled with visceral guitar riffs and dark looping melodies make Nicklin’s music an easily identifiable and totally enveloping world to experience. The last few years have seen Nicklin dive deeper into her sound, spending 18 months honing songs for her forthcoming record The Big Sulk. Produced by Shayne P. Carter, the new record feels expansive, urgent and timeless. The album was recorded with long-time bandmates Eamon Edmundson-Wells and Mason Fairey in the Coromandel bush, and the dark lushness of that location can be felt keenly across the work. Outside of her own song-crafting, Nicklin can be spotted performing with fellow local troubadours Jazmine Mary and D.C. Maxwell, as well as with Carter on his recent Dimmer tours of Aotearoa.